Gratitude and updates

Happy Thanksgiving

Over the past few months, my life’s journey has presented me with many gifts and the most meaningful to me during this time of year is Gratitude.  Every. Single. Day.  Sometimes it’s for the little things, like the feeling I get listening to my cat, purring with contentment.  Sometimes it’s for an event I’ve led going off without a hitch like Within Reach.  I have come to learn that gratitude is a fantastic approach to life’s challenges, especially the big ones.

What do you have gratitude for in this moment? Do you express your gratitude? Simply saying “I am grateful for…” can be a prayer that not only touches us, but all those we love and our entire world.* Take a moment today to express your gratitude.  Here are some suggestions:

  • You can speak it aloud to yourself or someone you love
  • Write a simple sentence (or more)
  • Do an acrostic on the word “Gratitude”
  • Write 10 things you are grateful for about one person or situation

I am happy to announce that my experiences over the last few months bring new programs, events, workshops, insights and websites. My core philosophies remain the same and now I have a deeper understanding of what they mean and how to express them in my work. This will be most evident as you discover how the various aspects of my work may benefit you or those around you.

Where you can find me over the next few months

(Visit my calendar for more details.)

  • At the Playground Conference and presenting Playful Sacred Sexuality: Exploring what’s possible after Playground Sunday November 5, 2011.
  • Co-leading Path of the Qadishti Level 1 in Toronto and Chicago, starting November 8, 2011.
  • At the Warrior Woman Workshop, November 12, 2011 from 10am-6pm.  Presenting “Claim Your Desires” and a few other pieces. The cost the full day of workshops is $110.
  • At Wonder Works co-leading Let’s Talk About Sex: Assessing Your Personal Comfort and Professional Readiness Dec. 5 2011 7-10pm. The cost for this professional training is $100

What’s new

Video Coaching:

Learn new techniques to increase your pleasure and have even greater sex. Some ideas for topics you may wish to focus on include enhancing orgasm, staying present and connecting with a partner. With personalized coaching support that best suits your needs, you can explore all the techniques you wish to learn.

Two Books go on sale this week at the Sex and Consciousness Symposium. Order yours at  *Order by Mon. Oct. 17 and receive the Sex and Consciousness Special.

Exploring your Sacred Sexuality Workbook – $10
Exercises and art from Sacred Sex Starts with Me
Receive additional exercises and art postcards when you order by Oct. 17. ($10 value)

The Adult Alphabet Book  –  $30
What would happen if the Alphabet had a sex party? Find out in this playful, erotic and definitely unusual art book.
$25 when you order by Oct. 17.


(Full descriptions here.)

  • The Secret to Having More Pleasure & Even Greater Sex
  • Breath & Energy Orgasms – Are They for Real?
  • Claim Your Desires


And Back by Popular Demand…

  • Cucumber Climaxes and Pleasuring the Peach: Oral Sex for All

As usual, I am available for individual and relationship coaching and support, workshops and events, all of which can be tailored to address your current and future needs.

Sneak Peek at November’s Newsletter…

  • Sacred Sex Starts With Me 8-session Program
  • Sexuality Toronto Directory – a guide to therapists, educators, etc.

*prayer can mean anything you choose, it can also simply be a good thought

Join the Newsletter here:

Have a date with your sacred sexual self.

Did you read the previous post? Are you curious now?
How might things change if (even for just a moment) you adopt the perspective Sacred Sex Starts with Me?  What might you discover?

After all that talk about sacred sex starts with me, I thought it appropriate to take a pause in my thoughts and give you something hands on to do. No, I don’t mean that, but a good idea is a good idea.  I’ll get back to solo sex, sacred sex and how they meet in next week’s post.

Exploration Activity:

Straight from the Sacred Sex Starts with Me workshops – just one of the many.

  1. Get some paper and any writing utensil(s) you like: pens of different colours, pencil, pastel, markers, crayons.
  2. Complete the following statement “If my sexuality were an animal it would be…”
  3. Write or draw five things to describe this animal.

I have done this activity quite often and each time the result is a little different- sometimes even the animal changes.  I remember one instance very clearly. I was completely surprised by the animal I chose and couldn’t understand why I had.  I later realized the choice reflected a pivotal shift in my sexual expression and my life. No matter what the animal is, how it changes or how I describe it, I am expressing my relationship with my sacred sexuality in that moment.

I encourage you to also do this activity more than once; each time the experience will be different. ***

A Tip:

Make time to connect with your sacred sexuality on a regular basis.  You can connect in a variety of ways, it’s good to try things that are very comfortable and some that are different.   One way to connect is to listen to music that makes you feel sexual/sensual.  If you feel inspired you can also move/dance to the music you’ve chosen.

Time, schedules and to do lists can be constant challenge in life.  Try planning a date with yourself.  This can make it easier to take the time you desire and deserve.

Happy erotic exploring!

***If you try this activity, please feel free to share it with me in the comments – just let me know if you want it visible to others or not.

Connecting to Our Sacred Sexual Selves

Something occurred to me as I was finishing up my Sacred Sexuality Through the Arts Self Study for the next issue of Lover Magazine.

I have a fantastic life!

Okay, I already knew this, it’s just wonderful to be reminded. Today’s aha was about the benefit that comes from having so many positive things in my life while I deal with some big challenges. In particular I was thinking about the positive benefits that healthy sex and sexuality have on our overall health.  About how privileged I am to be learning new ways of helping myself, and others, have more orgasmic experiences in life through a program called Yoga of Sex.   (Visit Eros Fine Arts resource page if you want more information)

I have only been enrolled for about two months and have already felt myself shifting as a result. Among other things, my perspectives on some sexual topics have changed and I also have new ideas percolating related to my life’s work.  I’m keeping these details pretty close to my heart right now but as they become clearer I will share more.  I am, however, happy to share other things I’ve learned and that will be the focus of my upcoming Lover Magazine Self Study.  I’ll let you know when it’s available.

In the meantime here is an exercise for exploring your connection to your sacred sexuality.


Winter Solstice Message

Posted for the  Archives:

Happy Winter Solstice everyone!
Welcome back light.

For the last few years I have started to consider the winter solstice my time to start a new year, much how others treat January 1st. It’s a time to reflect on that which I intend to achieve and how to go about making it happen. Both art and sacred sexual practices are great tools for exploring this.

This year I find it important to look back in order to move forward. I am reexamining not only the previous year but many before it. This is where I will source my inspiration for my upcoming projects. For Yule gifts this year I have received two very interesting books on, what I call, practical sexuality. This puts my immediate list of books to review up to 5. It’s very exciting to have so many books to read and then share with you how they can be used in your own sacred and practical sex lives.

In the New Year look for the launch of my blog. It will include thoughts from me, Leah and the occasional guest. You can expect book & DVD reviews, tips, exercises and our personal perspective on any number of topics. Early in the New Year, the website will have some significant updates and later it will be re-launched with some major additions.

During this busy season may you find time to embrace that which is at the core of you, your passion, whatever that may be. If you are unsure on what it is, here’s a little help to begin the discovery process.

A little Solstice gift for you all:

Acrostic on Passion

Explore what passion means to you by writing an Acrostic. Using the word PASSION*, write a poem exploring your passion. Write PASSION down the centre of a piece of paper. Use the letters that make up the word in each line of the poem. Allow the poem to build itself. To add focus, ask yourself the question ‘what is my relationship to passion.’

*You can use any word that feels right for you, putting the focus on sexuality/sensuality/sexual energy can help to access your core self.

Happy New Year!

Some examples using the word Life:

Letting go of misconceptions can
Inspire us to reach
Freedom by
Enthusiastically tapping into our Sacred Sexuality
expLoring myself freely
whIle remaining present
and Fully immersed in
joyous Engagement

~ Cheri